Up for auction is a Fuji 617 EBC Fujinon T 1:6.7 300mm lens in excellent condition. The optics are flawless. I put blue nylon tape on this lens and its accessories in order to distinguish it from the other two lenses which I also have up for sale. It can easily be taken off, but it the same bidder wins all three lenses, he will probably want to leave it on. When all of the lenses are in the same case, it is impossible to tell which lens shade and which viewfinder goes with which lens (speaking from experience). Also included, front and rear lens caps, lens shade, the bright frame viewfinder and the viewfinder soft case.
A buyers understanding of the words “Mint, Excellent, Good” may be very different from that of the seller. The same goes for a typical Rating of 1 to 10 which is subjective. For that reason, in addition to my descriptions, I provide photos which I believe will give the most accurate description of the condition of an item. If you have any questions about issues not covered which might be important for you to make an informed bid, please ask.
Although I have a very good ebay feedback, I’ve been stung on a few occasions by those who abuse the generally reliable ebay system and for that reason, like many others who use ebay, I have established personal guidelines to hopefully prevent misunderstandings and abuse and protect myself and the buyer.
There is a reasonable reserve. I now put a reserve on my sales because in my early transactions I failed to do so, which resulted in a couple of great deals for buyers and a good laugh at myself. The reserves are below what I think the market value may be. If you are a bidder, the only way to know you have reached the reserve is to bid, I do not disclose it during the bidding.
The payment must be made to PayPal within 48 hours of the winning bid.
I will ship the item within 48 hours of the deposit to PayPal and generally sooner. I set a fixed shipping charge which covers insurance.
Please contact me prior to bidding.
I am not a retailer and do not accept returns. My descriptions are accurate and the photos should provide a bidder with all the information needed to make an informed bid. I will be happy to answer any questions.
If you are new to ebay, you will find that many sellers refuse to accept offers from first time buyers, buyers with a very limited number of transactions or buyers with negative feedback. Although it can be frustrating as a new buyer, you must understand that sellers require additional information to protect themselves from either misunderstandings or those few who deliberately abuse the system. If you have less than a dozen feedbacks on your record, please contact me before bidding. If you have a significant number of negative feedbacks, you should look elsewhere.
PAYMENTI accept PayPal only. The PayPal surcharge costs me, not the buyer, but it allows for an immediate close of sale and prompt shipping. With PayPal, both buyer and seller have additional protection from fraud.